DSG Karir

Mari jadikan dunia digital tempat yang lebih aman.​

PT Digital Solusi Group adalah Perusahaan Cybersecurity and Software Solutions yang berdiri sejak tahun 2018. Berkolaborasi dengan brand internasional seperti Microsoft, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Avast, dll. kami telah melindungi lebih dari 200.000 perangkat di lebih dari 200 Kota dan terus berkembang setiap tahunnya.

Dengan pertumbuhan yang pesat ini, kami membutuhkan talenta luar biasa untuk menjadi bagian dari perjalanan luar biasa kami.


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 lImu Komputer
  • Usia 25 – 30 Tahun
  • Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang backend
  • Menguasai framework Codelgniter dan Laravel
  • Menguasai database Oracle 18
  • Memahami konsep microservices
  • Dapat mengoperasikan Git (Memahami dan mampu mengimplementasikan gitflow menjadi nilai tambah)
  • Melampirkan portfolio pekerjaan terkait pengembangan backend aplikasi
  • Memiliki sertifikasi terkait menjadi nilai tambah


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 IImu Komputer
  • Usia 25 – 30 Tahun
  • Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang frontend
  • Menguasai framework Codelgniter dan Laravel
  • Menguasai ReactJS
  • Menguasai typescript menjadi nilai tambah
  • Dapat mengoperasikan Git (Memahami dan mampu mengimplementasi gitflow menjadi nilai tambah)
  • Melampirkan portfolio pekerjaan terkait pengembangan frontend aplikasi
  • Memiliki kemampuan bekerja dalam tim
  • Memiliki sertifikasi terkait menjadi nilai tambah


  • Pendidikan minimal D3 lImu Komputer
  • Usia 25 – 30 Tahun
  • Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang
  • Dapat mengoperasikan aplikasi Figma
  • Melampirkan portfolio pekerjaan terkait desain
    UI/UX aplikasi website
  • Memiliki kemampuan bekerja dalam tim
  • Memiliki sertifikasi terkait menjadi nilai tambah


  • Pendidikan minimal S1/D4
  • Usia 28 – 35 Tahun
  • Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Project
  • Memiliki kemampuan di bidang teknis aplikasi dan database
  • Diutamakan pernah memiliki pengalaman sebagai programmer minimal 3 tahun
  • Memiliki sertifikasi terkait menjadi nilai tambah


  • Minimal D3 Ilmu Komputer
  • Usia 25 – 30 Tahun
  • Minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang Quality
    Assurance/testing aplikasi
  • Menguasai metode pengujian (manual &
    otomatis) dan pembuatan test case
  • Memahami siklus hidup pengembangan
    perangkat lunak (SDLC) dan Agile
  • Sertifikasi terkait Quality Assurance/testing
    menjadi nilai tambah


  • Min. Bachelor degree / S1 from reputable university
  • Energetic individual between 25 – 35 years old
  • Min. 1-2 years as Sales in IT industry for B2B or B2G is a must
  • Having knowledge about productivity or security software is a plus
  • Target oriented and Highly motivated
  • Have a great negotiation and communication skill, have the ability to work well under pressure
  • Have the ability to learn and utilized new technology
  • Willing to working on-site from South Jakarta


  • Strategize to create lead generation
  • Create new opportunities from existing and new Accounts
  • Create strategic planning for GTM
  • Develop a good relationship with Accounts in Greater Jakarta Area
  • Achieved Sales Target
  • Deliver reports in timely manner
  • Build relationship with Partners, Principals, and Accounts


  • Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi
  • Pengalaman min 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
  • Familiar dengan aplikasi DJP, E-bupot, E-Faktur, E-SPT, dan petty cash
  • Mahir dalam mengoperasikan Ms. Excel
  • Teliti terhadap pekerjaan
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa keuangan yang baik
  • Berorientasi pada detail
  • Menguasai dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan serta jurnal akuntansi


  • Membuat penawaran harga ke client
  • Mengerjakan pajak bulanan dan tahunan (PPN dan PPh)
  • Mengelola dan memonitor anggaran keuangan
  • Melakukan proses tagihan dan penagihan
  • Melakukan kegiatan surat menyurat baik internal perusahaan maupun eksternal perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan perbankan dan laporan keuangan
  • Melakukan rekonsiliasi bank dan penyesuaian data
  • Menyusun laporan keuangan weekly, monthly, dan yearly


  • Wanita
  • Pendidikan min SMA/SMK
  • Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
  • Bernpengalaman menjadi telemarketing min. 2 tahun
  • Komunikatif, ulet, dan bertanggungjawab
  • Dapat bekerja secara tim maupun individu
  • Berorientasi pada target
  • Dapat bekerja dengan target
  • Penempatan kota malang

Tanggung Jawab:

  • Menghubungi pelanggan potensial melalui panggilan telepon untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan kami
  • Menjadwalkan online meeting & demo produk pada klien secara jelas dan persuasif
  • Menyusun database serta melakukan follow up
  • Memverifikasi data klien dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan
  • Membuat laporan monitoring FU pelanggan harian, mingguan, dan bulanan
  • Menjalin relasi yang baik dan merespon pertanyaan baik dari existing user / new
  • Mencapai target yang sudah ditetapkan


  • Gaji Pokok
  • Bonus kinerja
  • BPJS
  • Asuransi Swasta


  • Min. Bachelor degree / S1 from reputable university
  • Energetic individual between 25 to 35 years old
  • Min. 1-2 years as Sales in the IT industry for B2B or B2G is a must
  • Having knowledge about productivity or security software is a plus
  • Target oriented and Highly motivated
  • Well connected person
  • Have great negotiation and communication skills, have the ability to work well under pressure
  • Have the ability to learn and utilize new technology
  • Willing to work on-site from Jakarta Selatan


  • Strategize to create lead generation
  • Create new opportunities from existing and new Accounts
  • Create strategic planning for GTM
  • Develop a good relationship with Accounts in the Greater Jakarta Area
  • Achieved Sales Target
  • Deliver reports in a timely manner
  • Build relationships with Partners, Principals, and Accounts

What will you get:

  • Monthly salary (negotiable)
  • Performance-based incentives
  • Private Health Care Insurance

Tanggung Jawab:

  • Melakukan penawaran produk secara langsung ke calon pelanggan potensial
  • Melakukan canvassing ke calon pelanggan potensial.
  • Menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan
  • Meningkatkan penjualan produk software dengan menerapkan strategi yang efektif
  • Memenuhi target kerja perusahaan
  • Menunjukkan cara kerja produk kepada pelanggan, menjelaskan fitur-fitur utama dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait produk.
  • Membuat laporan rutin terkait aktivitas penjualan


  • Min. SMA/SMK segala jurusan
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai sales promotor atau posisi serupa minimal 2 tahun
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan target penjualan
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang software, bersemangat untuk terus belajar tentang produk-produk terbaru.
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, mampu berbicara dengan jelas, dan dapat memahami kebutuhan pelanggan.
  • Mampu berinteraksi dengan berbagai tipe pelanggan dan membangun hubungan baik.
  • Bersedia bekerja dari Malang, Jawa Timur


  • Insentif berdasarkan performa
  • Gaji Pokok UMK
  • BPJS
  • Asuransi Swasta

For this role, you’ll do awesome tasks such as:

  • Learn details about our products and services;
  • Generate leads, profiling potential accounts, and actively create meetings to better understand potential customers;
  • Optimizing online platform to generate leads;
  • Address any questions or issues customers may have;
  • Communicate with customers to better support their needs;
  • Offer solutions based on the client’s needs and capabilities;
  • Participating in any products training;
  • In charge of achieving and growing sales targets.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Min. D3/S1 in IT, Management, Marketing, etc.;
  • Extensive experience in retail, sales, or customer service with a minimum of 1 – 2 years of experience is a must;
  • Tech savvy;
  • Ability to use M365, MS Teams, Google Workspace, and many other remote working tools is a must;
  • Ability to memorize details like product specifications;
  • Great communication and presentation skills;
  • Deadline-driven, and willing to work after hours;
  • Superb verbal and written communication skills, as well as great telephone etiquette;
  • A strong growth mindset.

Why work with us?

  • Remote work option (Jakarta based)
  • Casual working attire;
  • Private Healthcare Insurance up to IDR 250.000.000/Year coverage;
  • BPJS;
  • Cozy work environment;
  • Personal development program.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • D3/S1 in Computer Science, Engineering or related field
  • Have 1 -2 years of experience in a similar position
  • Have a strong knowledge of HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Have a strong knowledge of latest framework Laravel, React.js, Next.js
  • Have a good knowledge about MySQL and Microsoft SQL database
  • Strong analytical skills and used to deal with numerical numbers
  • Pay attention to details and have a high-quality standard for works
  • Dedicated team player

What will you do:

  • Develop company’s product with the team
  • Create work proposal
  • Implementation, optimizing and maintaining the application
  • Contribute to our Frontend or Backend application
  • Explore current new available technology in the market to be implemented in the company
  • Analyse current system and give necessary recommendation for system changes
  • Willing to work onsite in Malang, East Java with hybrid working arrangement

What will you get:

  • Basic Salary
  • Performance based incentives
  • Personal development programs
  • Casual working attire
  • Private healthcare insurance up to IDR 250.000.000/year coverage.

Here are the minimum requirements :

  • Fresh Graduate or max. 2 years of experience in Digital Marketing position, preferably in B2B business;
  • Proven skills and knowledge in Content Marketing on Social Media, ads, SEO & SEM, Copywriting, and Design Thinking;
  • Able to grasp latest market trends;
  • Able to operate Microsoft 365;
  • Excellent Administrative and Organizational skills;
  • Outgoing and communicative
  • Highly detail oriented and able to work under deadline.

What will you do :

  • Research advertising trends, competitors’ pricing and products;
  • Decide on appropriate placement of ads;
  • Determine what content will reach customers;
  • Develop projects to create content;
  • Publish digital marketing contents online;
  • Implement email marketing campaigns;
  • Measure digital traffic;
  • Optimize paid advertising campaigns using SEO and other tools;
  • Scale campaign to maximise ROI;
  • Monitor project status and budget;
  • Conduct market research to inform campaigns;
  • Create online/offline event to generate leads B2B.

What will you get :

  • Basic Salary
  • Performance based incentives
  • Personal development programs
  • Casual working attire
  • Private healthcare insurance up to IDR 250.000.000/year coverage.

Here are the minimum requirements :

  • Bachelor degree in computer science, IT, systems engineering, or related fields.
  • 1 years of work experience in the related fields;
  • Experience with Firewalls, Endpoint Security, DLP, and any other security product is a plus;
  • Strong attention to detail with an analytical mind and outstanding problem-solving skills;
  • Up-to-date with cybersecurity trends and incidents;

What will you do :

  • Conduct basic security assessment to clients;
  • Managing software related support;
  • Troubleshooting security and network problems;
  • Responding to all system and/or network security breaches;
  • Do the appropriate security controlling to ensure that the client’s data and infrastructure are protected;
  • Provide reports in timely manner.

What will you get :

  • Basic Salary
  • Performance based incentives
  • Personal development programs
  • Casual working attire
  • Private healthcare insurance up to IDR 250.000.000/year coverage.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field (having equivalent working experiences are welcome to apply).
  • Owning certification in Project Management (PMP or equivalent) is a plus.
  • Solid technical background, with understanding or hands-on experience in software development and web technologies.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong problem-solving, organizational, and leadership skills.
  • Willing to working on-site from Malang, East Java.

What will you do:

  • Define project scope, objectives, and success criteria in collaboration with management and stakeholders.
  • Plan and oversee the development of the website and mobile apps, ensuring timely delivery and meeting defined quality standards.
  • Execute the projects and do coordinate with internal teams and third parties/vendors
  • Develop a detailed project plan and monitor the progress.
  • Implement and do the effective communication plan.
  • Effectively identification, assessment, and response to the risks and report to the management if needed.
  • Do the comprehensive project documentation and report on project progress to stakeholders.
  • Ensure products are developed with user experience, privacy, and security as priorities.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or related field.
  • 1-2 years of experience in an HR role preferred.
  • Knowledge of HR best practices, including talent acquisition, performance management, employee relations, and compliance.
  • Experienced in using psychological test.
  • Strong analytical skills, with the ability to use data to drive decision-making
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment with multiple priorities and deadline
  • Strong knowledge of labour laws and regulations.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Willing to work from office from Malang, East Java.

What will you do:

  • Doing end-to-end Recruitment proses starting from create job analysis, posting job vacancies, screening resumes, conducting initial interviews and psychological test.
  • Develop and deliver effective training and development programs that meet the needs of the business and its employees. Monitor the e of employees.
  • Manage employee relations issues, including conflict resolution, and disciplinary Actions. Ensure compliance with All HR regulations and laws including labour laws.
  • Assist in the preparation of reports related to HR activities.
  • Help to assist employer branding contents.
  • Perform other related duties as required and assigned by management.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • D3 in DKV or related field
  • Passionate for design and stay up-to-date with trends.
  • Have prior experience as a graphic designer is a must.
  • Outstanding creativity with an out-of-the-box mindset.
  • Strong and outstanding portfolio of completed design projects.
  • Strong proficiency with Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Premier, After Effect
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills.
  • Ability to work in an environment that is fast-paced and constantly changing.

What will you do:

  • Engage creatively with corporate programs
  • Create creative daily graphic designs on: social media, websites, content marketing and company stationary
  • Collaborate with teams to ensure design consistency across multiple media
  • Create attractive and effective designs for prints and other digital media
  • Maintain awareness of current industry standards and technology, social media, competitive lanscape, and market trends
  • Providing creative new ideas to advance the company’s image
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Tech savvy
  • D3/S1 in IT, Management, Business, etc.
  • 1-2 years of account management experience in IT Industry is a must.
  • Good interpersonal, presentation, and communication skills.
  • Deadline-driven and willing to working outside working hours.
  • Comfortable in a fast-paced, changing environment.

What will you do:

  • Maintaining a good relationship with existing user (client).
  • Identifies opportunities to grow business with existing clients.
  • Generate sales among client accounts such as up selling and cross selling.
  • Develop relationships with potential user (customer) to generate sales.
  • Provide regular reports of the sales.
  • Meet and exceed targets.


  • D3 Administrasi, Teknologi Informatika, Sistem Informasi
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai admin menjadi nilai tambah
  • Memahami sistem penjualan di e-commerce
  • Mahir menggunakan komputer dan MS. Office (Excel, Word)
  • Customer oriented (ramah, sabar, dan tenang dalam menghadapi customer)
  • Teliti dan detail
  • Memiliki laptop pribadi
  • Siap untuk bekerja di jam 17.00-24.00 WIB secara remote.

Tanggung Jawab:

  • Memperbarui dan mengelola informasi terkait produk (termasuk harga, gambar, dan deskripsi produk).
  • Memproses pesanan masuk, memverifikasi detail pembayaran, dan memastikan pemenuhan dan pengiriman pesanan tepat waktu.
  • Memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan (termasuk menangani pertanyaan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan/komplain).
  • Memantau tingkat stok produk.


  • SMK jurusan Teknologi Informatika/Sistem Informasi
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai admin merupakan nilai tambah
  • Paham terkait basic troubleshooting komputer dan OS (operating system)
  • Mampu melakukan install ulang Windows
  • Memahami sistem penjualan di e-commerce
  • Paham terkait troubleshooting software komputer
  • Memiliki kemampuan critical thinking dan problem solving yang baik
  • Customer oriented (ramah, sabar, dan tenang dalam menghadapi customer)
  • Memiliki laptop pribadi
  • Bersedia melakukan training di Malang, Jawa Timur selama 2 bulan.

Tanggung Jawab:

  • Memberikan dukungan teknis untuk masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelanggan.
  • Membantu dalam penyelesaian masalah teknis yang dihadapi oleh klien dan tim internal.
  • Memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan (termasuk menangani pertanyaan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan/komplain).
  • Memproses pesanan masuk, memverifikasi detail pembayaran, dan memastikan pemenuhan dan pengiriman pesanan tepat waktu.

Here are the minimum requirements:

  • Active and fun!
  • D3/S1 in Communication, Public Relation, Marketing, or any related fields
  • Creative thinker, cheerful, and passionate about content marketing
  • Up-to-date with social media trends
  • Able to do copywriting and familiar with editing software such as Canva, CapCut, InShot, etc.
  • Having knowledge in using WordPress is a plus
  • Good communication and time management skills.

What will you do:

  • Improving social media experience and create engaged audiences
  • Identify social content opportunities that drive customer, seller value, branding, and communication
  • Create and conduct social media content and planning on daily, weekly, and monthly basis and provide the competitive insights
  • Handling engagement through company’s social media platform
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest social media trends and tools.


  • Wanita
  • Mahasiswa Semester Akhir / Freshgraduate
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Berpengalaman membuat content plan dan brief
  • Melakukan editing short video menggunakan mobile app


  • Monthly allowance
  • Makan siang
  • Program pengembangan karir
  • Sertifikat Internship

Leave your application here

Our team will review your application and get back to you. or you can email us at [email protected] with your selected job role + name on the email subject.

Konsultasi Sekarang!!
Butuh Bantuan ?
Halo !
Ada yang bisa kami bantu tentang Karir ?